Saturday, July 25, 2009

Very Interesting...

Just received our youngest girl's information from the USCIS. Discovered she has 3 siblings that all still reside with their mother. They are a 15 year old brother and a 11 year old sister and brother.
We thought that she likely did have siblings just because her mother was in her 30's.

McKelle had no siblings when she was born. Nice to have more history on both girls.

Now we can apply for their SS#'s. They said they need birth certificates, Certificate of Citizenship and the adoption decree. We hope to have their names officially changed by the first of the year. The paperwork never ends.


Arena Mom said...

Hello! I saw your blog off of guatadopt. What beautiful little girls!!

ani said...

changing the names,,, typical selfish on your parts why not let them keep the one thing they have left.