Friday, December 12, 2008

We've joined the 4th Class of Previa of 2008

Just heard from our coordinator and our file has a previa. We'd changed attorneys back in July and notified the CNA of the change, but the PGN file did not have the information placed in it. They are just now discovering this and gave us a previa for it. The file should be out next week to have the paperwork inserted and hopefully resubmitted. This is like Chinese water torture with the way the small things keep coming up :(

But, we hold to the truth that the Lord knows when the perfect time will be for the girls to come live with us here in TX and we must also accept that it may never be. This is totally in His hands and not ours. We hold them with open hands and feel it's been a privilege to have been able to pray for them and love them. They will always be a part of our hearts.


David and Marianne said...

good grief! so encouraged by your spirit though and know that the Lord is SO pleased with your faith and trust in Him.... "some trust in (PGN) but you trust in the Lord"(my paraphrase). still praying....

Pepper Darcy said...

Hopefully you guys get them soon : )It was that hard to wait when Dad was in Iraq : )

Michelle Fritz

Angie's blog said...

All right, one more week PGN, but that's it. These babies need to come home and be with their family!!! I HOPE that your week flies by!!!!!! It does sound like it REALLY will be next week:) I can't wait to hear of the GOOD news!!! Many blessings to your family as you all wait!!