Friday, January 18, 2008

New Form Revealed

The Central Authority has shown us the new form for registration. It is 4 pages long and includes a place for foot/hand prints of the child. Much of the information is redundant to what's already in the file presented to the PGN. In my opinion, it will take a lot of man power to get these filled out and registered with the Central Authority before the February deadline the middle of the month.

Also, the new appointments were made to the Central Authority by the new administration. Rather than step aside humbly, the first appointees have vowed to fight the decision and remain on the job and said the new President had no authority to replace them. Hmmm.

An interesting day, we'll see how all this fleshes out. Those who currently have to register with the new form are those who never entered PGN and those who have received a KO. Not sure yet what will happen to those who may receive a KO in PGN after the Feb. deadline.

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