Monday, July 28, 2008

Trying Times...

The last few days have been particularly trying as new information comes in from Guatemala. We have been told that we likely now have a previo on our file which will require getting new pre-approval documentation from the embassy. Not suppose to take long, but we'll have to be resubmitted to PGN once again. The good news is that others who've gone through this have exited quite rapidly, within days, of their resubmission.

We've also learned some disturbing news concerning the attorney who was listed on our file. We will wait and see if it affects our file in particular, but this has definitely brought up our concerno-meter. Please continue to be in prayer for the little ones still in the system and that they will not continue long to be a pawn in the hands of those who show so little care and that the wishes of the birth mothers would be granted.

On a happy note, we are excited for those who are currently picking up. What a blessed time for them and us as we rejoice with them! God is good all the time; all the time, God is good!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

"I will cry to God Most High, to God who accomplishes all things for me." Psalm 57:2 -- Praying for you!