Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Members of the CNA Sworn In


The new authorities of the National Council for Adoptions (CNA) took possession of their office yesterday after the four appointed by the previous government resigned.

Alfredo Trinidad, Vice Chancellor and Aura Azucena Bolaños, alternate. Both represent Foreign Affairs.

Zuly de Uclés, of the Social Welfare Department of the Presidency, Sonia Elizabeth Hernandez of Larios as the head of the delegation, is the wife of Gabriel Larios Ochaita, secretary general of the presidency, and Norma Elizabeth Robles, alternate.

It was stated that the priorities of this new council is to finish summarizing the 2350 cases from 2007, in order to extend a record (constancia) to notaries (attorneys representing the families and children) as they serve as a basis for further processing records in the PGN, prior to the deadline of November 12.

This is good news as the registration of in-process cases may proceed and the release of funds from the current administration to run the office will be released. We are making progress.

1 comment:

David and Marianne said...

You do a great job staying informed and keeping everyone else up to date too : ) Your girls are beautiful. Praying God's blessing for your process! Thank you also for your sweet and encouraging comments!!