Thursday, February 28, 2008
It's A Day to Celebrate!
There are a few things that have to happen to place the file; all docs have to be up to date; our attorney will be making certain to the best of their abilitiy that the file is “clean” to attempt to give them little reason for an obvious previa (Kick Out). There is no guarantee that it won’t happen anyway(and usually does) but they want to do all that they can to get them to have every reason to approve the file. It most likely will not re-enter this week since it's Thursday.
It was in one of the Guatemalan papers this week that PGN is reviewing those files that have already been viewed once, first, so that is encouraging as well.
Thanks to all for your continued prayers on the girls' and our behalf.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
It's Official !
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Guatemala National Council for Adoptions ended the registration period for transition adoption cases on February 12, 2008. We are very pleased to report, that close to 3,000 cases were registered under the ‘new’ system. It is also our understanding that the 3,000 registrations include virtually all of the adoptions initiated under the Notarial system.
Joint Council has been informed that an individual adoption case is considered registered provided the aviso filed with the National Council for Adoptions (CNA), has been stamped (with a number) and signed. The CNA is currently developing a database of all registered cases. Once completed, the CNA will provide the database to PGN. It is our understanding that PGN will begin processing cases upon their receipt of the CNA database.
We also have information that approximately 100 cases were not registered with the CNA, according to the revised registration process. The lack of registration for these cases may preclude the completion of these specific adoptions. Any adoption service provider or adoptive parent who did not register their case(s) with the new CNA should contact their Guatemalan attorney immediately.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Another Hoop!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Lord Shows His Mercy to Us
We also learned that our girls have officially been registered with the CNA. They are not giving out the constancias, but photocopy the submitted forms and stamp them as having been received.
There will be a flood of cases now submitted to PGN to review. The positive thing is that those cases that were not KO'd have continued to be approved at a high rate and thus alleviating some of the congestion. There are still over 2000 cases to be submitted.
There are those of us still awaiting Pre-approval from our own government for Visa that cannot be submitted until that comes.... so we wait still. We are on day 41 of our wait today, but prayerfully continue hoping that God in his mercy will once again move the government officials to quickly give the approval so that these babies can be with their forever family.
Our hope is in the Lord and not in the political systems of this world, for we know that He holds the hearts of kings in his hands and moves them to do His sovereign will. Proverbs 21:1
Saturday, February 9, 2008
As It Stands Now
The bad news is that it is understaffed; only 5 taking applications.
The good news is the acceptance of registration paperwork.
The bad news is that it took all day on Friday to accept paperwork from only 5 out of the 80 attorneys standing in line.
The good news is that the CNA is working through the weekend,
The bad news is the deadline to accept files is Tuesday, February 12th.
Our prayer is that either the deadline would be extended to accommodate the remainder of cases needed to register in the spirit of the law or that these cases would all some way be registered by the deadline.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Today's Prensa Libre - CNA announcement
To the notaries who have submitted their files of petition of adoptions before December 31st. 2007, they must register them at the offices of the National Council of Adoptions, temporarily located at the Secretaria de Bienestar Social de la Presidencia, on 32 street 9-34 zone 11, Colonia Las Charcas until Tuesday February 12th., 2008, inclusive. Will be open during the weekend in an schedule from 9 in the morning to 16 hours.
To the notaries who submitted their files to the members of the former Council, they must present their copy at the offices of the Secretaria de Bienstar social during the before mentioned schedule so they can get assigned a registration number.
National Council of Adoptions, Guatemala, February 8th., 2008.
The public relations person of the Supreme Court told the media that regarding the amparo filed by the lawyers, the suspension of the obligation to fill out a four pages form was not granted, which means that they will keep requiring all the information about the child, the birthmother and the adoptive parents, a picture of the child and his prints of hands and feet. That also means that the new members of the CAN cannot argue later that because the former members were already fired when they authorized the form, did not have the right to establish such registration form. The Amparo court has validated the four page form and by filing the registration form at the new location or presenting the copy of the registration, each case will be given a registration number that will prove to the PGN that the case has already been registered.
February 07, 2008
Even though the directors appointed by Colom were sworn yesterday and expressed their intentions to finish the registration process of all the adoptions started before the Adoptions Law became effective on December 31st., 2007, they did not show up today at the offices of the CNA. A group of lawyers met with the only director that thus far has not been removed, Rudy Soto, appointed by the Supreme Court of Justice. He told them that the directors Marilys Barrientos de Estrada and Elizabeth Hernandez de Larios have not communicated with him, and that there is no money on sight to pay for the expenses of the CNA.
The radio news programs announced today that the amparo filed by the lawyers against the registration form and the unnecessary investigation as a condition to issue the constancia was granted, but there has not been any official communication from the Amparo Court. We expect to get it tomorrow. The amparo is based on the unreasonable information that the CNA demands to register the cases, which can be used to delay the registration of the cases, arguing that such information needs to be verified. It is also illegal, because the law says "All notarial and judicial adoption cases that are still in process when the present law becomes effective, must be registered before the Central Authority, within thirty days for the registration of the cases, so they will continue being processed according to the law effective when they were started. The cases that are not registered within that time, will be resolved according to the procdure established in this law" It does not mention the right to demand information private and confidential, and to have to verify it before issuing the constancia that the case has been registered.
The PGN is set in not accepting since January 2nd., neither new cases nor resubmission of cases with previos, arguing that to do so, the constancia of registration is needed, and that it has to be signed by the three directors. Since the three directors are not working together and there is no way that they CNA can investigate the information provided, the stand still may last for a long time. That is why the amparo is needed, to put a stop to those unjustified delays, to make the CNA stop complicating the registration process and the PGN to admit for review all the cases that have been registered, without making up rules like the need of constancia signed by three directors, when a simple copy of the registration form with the receipt seal stamped by the CNA would be more than enough.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
New Members of the CNA Sworn In
The new authorities of the National Council for Adoptions (CNA) took possession of their office yesterday after the four appointed by the previous government resigned.
Alfredo Trinidad, Vice Chancellor and Aura Azucena Bolaños, alternate. Both represent Foreign Affairs.
Zuly de Uclés, of the Social Welfare Department of the Presidency, Sonia Elizabeth Hernandez of Larios as the head of the delegation, is the wife of Gabriel Larios Ochaita, secretary general of the presidency, and Norma Elizabeth Robles, alternate.
It was stated that the priorities of this new council is to finish summarizing the 2350 cases from 2007, in order to extend a record (constancia) to notaries (attorneys representing the families and children) as they serve as a basis for further processing records in the PGN, prior to the deadline of November 12.
This is good news as the registration of in-process cases may proceed and the release of funds from the current administration to run the office will be released. We are making progress.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
A Very Accurate Picture!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Best News in a While
Friday, February 1, 2008
From Our In-Country Facilitator
"This very moment, I can only share what it out there: in the last 24 hours again, the rumor and half truths are running wild; “Ethica” organization announced that there are TWO CA’s and recommended that everyone be registered in both. WHAT? No connection to anything that we know to be true or actual involved in that post at all…….then, today, Joint Council decides to post that “no CA registrations are being accepted”(well, none have been anyway as of Jan 28th so what is this shred of information mean now? (and they love to do this on Friday evening and then “hide out” until Monday)…….just everybody rock back, of course I will let you know the second I have anything that is actually confirmed accurate and from IN THE COUNTRY(not through any blog or organization).
As usual, Guatadopt has the best “balance” and I want to remind everyone to not just skip every third word( Guateadopt uses words like “Supposedly” “Maybe” “Don't hold your breath, but keep your fingers crossed” “we don’t know” “rumor”……again, we are assured that the children WILL COME HOME. If for a second you believe that the 3700 children that HAVE FAMILIES are going to be kept in a country that already has children being left to die because the law they passed does not provide for them ……….I have full faith that eventually, no matter what legal authorities have to become involved, they will do so, in support of these specific children getting to the US and into the arms of their US parents…..and then, perhaps…….even those without hope will be safe also….."
JCICS Statement
February 1, 2008
Joint Council can confirm that the Central Authority in Guatemala has recently stopped accepting registrations of in-process adoptions. Joint Council has already petitioned U.S. Department of State consular offices in Guatemala City and in Washington, D.C. for their immediate and direct advocacy to address the current suspension by the Central Authority. Additionally, Joint Council staff have already addressed the suspension with officials from several U.S. congressional offices as well as the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.
Joint Council remains in frequent dialogue with representatives of the Guatemalan government and will post additional information as it becomes available.